Tuesday 27 January 2009

What we have dont in the last week - Mori's Post

In the last week we have been working very hard on coursework paperwork. We really want to get on to the actual filming of the piece so we have been working especially on the storyboard and the treatment.
During the making of the storyboard we have been discussing all the different shots which we want to have in the scenes which we are filming, so we ran all the different ideas we have in our heads past each other and then writing them all down on paper, we then decided on the best possible shots for each situation to produce a high quality piece of film.
The storyboard consists of two main parts, the first is shots in colour with no music as the men are going to capture the boy and the second part is going to be in black and white with music.
Also we have been discussing music for the piece, when the torturing scene is happening, we are aware that we may not have any music which has copyright on it so we have come up with two solutions which we will choose between when we have to put the music in, we are choosing later because we would like to experiment with different music when the filming is done, this means we can create different moods more easily. The two ideas are:
1. Get music from sites on the Internet which is not copyright, music written simply for short films similar to what we are making, sites such as 'www.freeplaymusic.com'. Advantages of this choice is that there is a wide range of different music and it could be easy to create any mood and even change at the last minute if we didn't like the piece we had chosen earlier.
2. Our other option is to ask friends taking A-Level music to write a piece, the advantage of this would be that they will be able to personalise the piece to whatever we would like, and we can always fall back on the music sites if we don't like the piece that is written.

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