Friday 30 January 2009

Research: Torturing Scene - Mori's Post

Today and yesterday I have been working on the second half of our short piece, this is going to be a torturing scene, of the boy who is captured. So i decided to go onto youtube and look at several different films with torturing scenes in them. I took screen shots of some of them and have analyed them below.

This is a screen shot of the torture scene is Casino Royale, this is similar to tyhe one which we would be looking to do, the lighting in this scene is very effective and the old chair also makes the scene look more sinister.

This is a screen shot from the film XXX, I picked this shot because having the victim hanging, it gives the impression that the victim has even less control over the situation and it is more convienient for the torturer t do thing to the victim. Although this is effective I think it may be too difficult for us to do.
This screen shot is from The Tudors, a TV drama showed on the BBC last year. This is the most graphic shot that I found, the man being tortured is being stretched, again this may be too hard but if consideraable time was taken to do it, it could be very effective and realistic.

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