Sunday 11 January 2009

Main Coursework (Aaron's Post)

The coursework that we have to create is to make an opening scene from our storyline.

What am I thinking for my two minute opening Scene?

Ideas of a storyline have ran by, however none of them seemed convenient until, me and my partner, Mori thought that we should create a Teenage Genre as we already are in a school surrounded by other teens and teachers. We have a few ideas about the credits, what we really want to do is to play the movie whilst the credits are on. On the other hand, we want to make the movie stop at points when the character is introduced and have narration over it, sort of like in Reservoir Dog's when they introduce Mr Green, Mr Blue etc... however, today we ran over our storyline and only to notice that it wasn't really a story, and so we thought of another story. a sneak preview of what may is to come: A boy in his senior year at school realises that he has achieved nothing and then decides to create a list to do before he leaves so that he does not regret himself for the rest of his life.

What is the Genre, Target audience?

As told above, the genre is a Teenage Drama. As teenage ourselves, we want other teenagers to watch and enjoy this clip, however if adults wish to watch they are, but of course welcome to observe our clip. We shall make this available to all the viewers by posting the video onto this Blog or the trusted You Tube.

The things that we require to create the opening scene:

The main things that we shall need is our actors. Mori and I have come to the conclusion that it is better and to our benefit if we chose actors from our own class rather someone not from our class. We thought that it was better to so as we can work together on our film seeing as it is just not us that is doing so. We would of course need some props such as schooling equipment and books to show the fact that it is a school, we would of course need a camera and a tripod for steady filming.

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