Friday 30 January 2009

Research: Torturing Scene - Mori's Post

Today and yesterday I have been working on the second half of our short piece, this is going to be a torturing scene, of the boy who is captured. So i decided to go onto youtube and look at several different films with torturing scenes in them. I took screen shots of some of them and have analyed them below.

This is a screen shot of the torture scene is Casino Royale, this is similar to tyhe one which we would be looking to do, the lighting in this scene is very effective and the old chair also makes the scene look more sinister.

This is a screen shot from the film XXX, I picked this shot because having the victim hanging, it gives the impression that the victim has even less control over the situation and it is more convienient for the torturer t do thing to the victim. Although this is effective I think it may be too difficult for us to do.
This screen shot is from The Tudors, a TV drama showed on the BBC last year. This is the most graphic shot that I found, the man being tortured is being stretched, again this may be too hard but if consideraable time was taken to do it, it could be very effective and realistic.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Things we need for our Scene (Aaron)

After allot of thought, Mori and I have come to decide the outcome of our storyboard. The main difficulty in our task is not the filming but in fact it is the planning. We need to plan so much that even at this point we have not filmed anything but the Mise - en - Scene.

The things that are most vital to our film is the props, this makes the film look as realistic as possible. The props we shall acquire will be:

Torture Scene
  • A Gag that goes over the mouth
  • A wooden chair
  • A bucket with iced water in it.
  • Rope for the hands to be tied around it.
  • A head Bag.

We are also going to have a scene with numerous shots in it to show the build up to the torturing scene in which we will need a room with a table and bed and all the essential day to day items and a car.

What we have dont in the last week - Mori's Post

In the last week we have been working very hard on coursework paperwork. We really want to get on to the actual filming of the piece so we have been working especially on the storyboard and the treatment.
During the making of the storyboard we have been discussing all the different shots which we want to have in the scenes which we are filming, so we ran all the different ideas we have in our heads past each other and then writing them all down on paper, we then decided on the best possible shots for each situation to produce a high quality piece of film.
The storyboard consists of two main parts, the first is shots in colour with no music as the men are going to capture the boy and the second part is going to be in black and white with music.
Also we have been discussing music for the piece, when the torturing scene is happening, we are aware that we may not have any music which has copyright on it so we have come up with two solutions which we will choose between when we have to put the music in, we are choosing later because we would like to experiment with different music when the filming is done, this means we can create different moods more easily. The two ideas are:
1. Get music from sites on the Internet which is not copyright, music written simply for short films similar to what we are making, sites such as ''. Advantages of this choice is that there is a wide range of different music and it could be easy to create any mood and even change at the last minute if we didn't like the piece we had chosen earlier.
2. Our other option is to ask friends taking A-Level music to write a piece, the advantage of this would be that they will be able to personalise the piece to whatever we would like, and we can always fall back on the music sites if we don't like the piece that is written.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

The Synopsis of Our Project & The storyboard & Treatmant (Mori and Aaron)

Our Main Idea is to do an action/thriller movie.

A son of a famous and rich Businessman is sent to a boarding school. However his father has made deal with the wrong people and tricked them. Now the boy has been kidnapped to get back at his father. He is tortured close to death and has no will left in him and his father. His father makes one correct decision and hires a private detective who has been recommended by Scotland Yard to find whereabouts of his son.



Sunday 11 January 2009

Main Coursework (Aaron's Post)

The coursework that we have to create is to make an opening scene from our storyline.

What am I thinking for my two minute opening Scene?

Ideas of a storyline have ran by, however none of them seemed convenient until, me and my partner, Mori thought that we should create a Teenage Genre as we already are in a school surrounded by other teens and teachers. We have a few ideas about the credits, what we really want to do is to play the movie whilst the credits are on. On the other hand, we want to make the movie stop at points when the character is introduced and have narration over it, sort of like in Reservoir Dog's when they introduce Mr Green, Mr Blue etc... however, today we ran over our storyline and only to notice that it wasn't really a story, and so we thought of another story. a sneak preview of what may is to come: A boy in his senior year at school realises that he has achieved nothing and then decides to create a list to do before he leaves so that he does not regret himself for the rest of his life.

What is the Genre, Target audience?

As told above, the genre is a Teenage Drama. As teenage ourselves, we want other teenagers to watch and enjoy this clip, however if adults wish to watch they are, but of course welcome to observe our clip. We shall make this available to all the viewers by posting the video onto this Blog or the trusted You Tube.

The things that we require to create the opening scene:

The main things that we shall need is our actors. Mori and I have come to the conclusion that it is better and to our benefit if we chose actors from our own class rather someone not from our class. We thought that it was better to so as we can work together on our film seeing as it is just not us that is doing so. We would of course need some props such as schooling equipment and books to show the fact that it is a school, we would of course need a camera and a tripod for steady filming.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Post from Mori - decisions about the opening sequences of our film.

Actors, although hard to come by in our present situation have been chosen. We went through much deliberation whether or not to pick actors outside of our own class and we decided not to for several reasons, they may not realise how important the acting is to us and they may not be able to work at the same time as us, which wouldn't work as we need all the time we have got. We decided we only need two main actors for these few minutes of film, we also decided to have a teacher in our film or even two, considering the film is set in a school, or at least the first part is. We will also need a significant amount of extras in the sequences because it is set in a school similar to ours meaning it has to be busy. We decided we might film students when they don't know they are being film to make it more realistic but if this is not successful we may have to re-think and film actors walking by etc.
The perfect thing about this story line is that it is set in a boarding school similar to which we live at, this has a number of advantages a large one being that we have all the props and locations needed to make the film. So the mise-en-scene is already sorted with little degree of effort and time which is always a factor when filming, all we need to do is decide on where we are filming the different parts of the film around the school. Although we have most of the props and locations sorted there may be a few problems that we shall encounter, for example if we want to use specific parts of school we may need permissions from higher ranked 'so to speak' members of staff, as well as props such as contraband including cigarettes, alcohol and similar things.
We have also been thinking greatly about the sound, including dialogue and effects. We have been thinking about filming separate sound like dialogue to the film and then editing it in, but the only problem with this is that it may be very hard and time consuming to edit it in. Other sound effects we will have to make ourselves or even get off the internet as we can not use any copyright protected media.
Also the target audience has been in our minds, gender, age ranges, class, living locations. But we decided that we are going to be aiming our film at teenagers of both sexes of any class. This is specific in age but also leaves space to increase in different areas.
I think that the film is looking very exciting and after putting our heads together (after our holidays) have managed to come up with some excellent ideas to boost the professionalism and style of our piece.