Friday, 13 March 2009

General - Post by Mori

In the last few weeks we have been rushing to finish the piece, after finishing the filming at was straight to the computers to do all the editing. We anticipated that this wouldn't take too long but we were wrong this is a long and slow process, we ended up coming back at nights to try and finish the editing as we simply didn't have enough time in our lessons to do it all. today we finished the piece and it is looking just as we wanted it to. We are incredibly happy with what me and Aaron and I have done. Also in the last few weeks i have been doing a large amount of written work, each of us were given certain questions that we had to answer which we have done and put onto the blog. Also the evaluation which is a very large piece which was hand written as it is easier to concertrate on what we are writing when we're using a pen rather than a keyboard and then it had to be written up on the computer and screen shots applied to it and then posted on the blog.

We have had much deliberation about titles and soundtracks in the last few days at first we wanted to have two different soundtracks so that we could create different moods for the two different scenes, but then we dicided that it would be too much having two different soundtracks within two minutes. also we have been working to produce the titles like made, this was hard and takes a long time as they have to be made on photoshop layer by layer and then moved on to premiere elements and changed on thier to make them link up and make a title.

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