Thursday 27 November 2008

Post from Mori - Preliminary Task

Earlier today i started working on idea's for my preliminary coursework task which has some rules which you have to stick to. You have to film a person walking across a room and then sitting down at a table and exchanging a few lines of conversation with someone else. Also this short piece of film has to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

First things first, i decided on my idea, i then drew up a storyboard along with the script and the idea/story. My story is about a student who is coming to find a teacher in their own time to hand in some prep that is late. The teacher surprisingly decides to be sympathetic and let the student off with a warning.

In the next few days i am going to film this scene using two cameras, i am also going to film more footage than i think i need as this advice has been given to us by an experienced teacher (as Aaron said earlier). Once i have finished my filming i will import the footage and edit it using Premiere Elements 4.

After this task is finished we will move on and do more work on are main coursework piece.

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